Jumat, 16 November 2012

Aplikasi Bangun Dua Dimensi Warna

Untuk menampilkan gambar dua dimensi secara beberapa warna.dan memperkenalkan gambar dua dimensi tersebut kepada anak anak di bawah kima tahun.

Untuk menampilkan gambar dua dimensi

Anak di bawah lima tahun.



Pembuatan Form1

Komponen toolbox yang dibutuhkan:

Kemudian masukkan listing berikut ini

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Timer1.Enabled = True
        Timer2.Enabled = False
        Me.Text = "Aplikasi Bangun Dua Dimensi Warna"
End Sub

Baris pertama untuk mengaktifkan timer1
Baris kedua untuk mengaktifkan timer2
Baris ketiga untuk mengubah nama form1 menjadi “Aplikasi Bangun Dua Dimensi Warna”

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub

Baris pertama untuk menampilkan form2
Baris kedua untuk menyembunyikan form yang bersangkutan

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Fungsi tersebut untuk menutup jendela aplikasi

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        If Label1.Left <= -Label1.Width Then
            Timer1.Enabled = False
            Timer2.Enabled = True
        Else : Label1.Left = Label1.Left - 15
        End If
End Sub

Fungsi ‘if’ tersebut untuk membuat label1 kelihatan seperti berjalan ke kiri

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        If Label1.Left >= Width Then
            Timer2.Enabled = False
            Timer1.Enabled = True
        Else : Label1.Left = Label1.Left + 15
        End If
    End Sub

Fungsi tersebut untuk membuat label1 kelihatan seperti berjalan ke  kanan

Pembuatan Form2
Komponen toolbox yang dibutuhkan

Kemudian masukkan listing berikut

Kemudian masukkan listing berikut:
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.Text = "Bangun Dua Dimensi"
        Me.BackColor = Color.Coral
End Sub

Baris 1 untuk mengubah nama form menjadi “Bangun Dua Dimensi”
Baris 2 untuk mengubah warna background menjadi coral

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Biru" Then PictureBox1.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Biru" Then PictureBox2.Visible = True Else PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Biru" Then PictureBox3.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hijau" Then PictureBox4.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hijau" Then PictureBox5.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hijau" Then PictureBox6.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Kuning" Then PictureBox7.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Kuning" Then PictureBox8.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Kuning" Then PictureBox9.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Merah" Then PictureBox10.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Merah" Then PictureBox11.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Merah" Then PictureBox12.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Putih" Then PictureBox13.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Putih" Then PictureBox14.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Putih" Then PictureBox15.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Lingkaran" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hitam" Then PictureBox16.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Persegi" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hitam" Then PictureBox17.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False And PictureBox18.Visible = False
        If ComboBox1.Text = "Segitiga" And ComboBox2.Text = "Hitam" Then PictureBox18.Visible = True Else PictureBox2.Visible = False And PictureBox3.Visible = False And PictureBox4.Visible = False And PictureBox5.Visible = False And PictureBox6.Visible = False And PictureBox7.Visible = False And PictureBox8.Visible = False And PictureBox9.Visible = False And PictureBox10.Visible = False And PictureBox11.Visible = False And PictureBox12.Visible = False And PictureBox13.Visible = False And PictureBox14.Visible = False And PictureBox15.Visible = False And PictureBox16.Visible = False And PictureBox17.Visible = False And PictureBox1.Visible = False
End Sub

Fungsi ‘if’ baris pertama untuk menampilkan segitiga biru
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kedua untuk menampilkan persegi biru
Fungsi ‘if’ baris ketiga untuk menampilkan lingkaran biru
Fungsi ‘if’ baris keempat untuk menampilkan lingkaran hijau
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kelima untuk menampilkan persegi hijau
Fungsi ‘if’ baris keenam untuk menampilkan segitiga hijau
Fungsi ‘if’ baris ketujuh untuk menampilkan lingkaran kuning
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kedelapan untuk menampilkan persegi kuning
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kesembilan untuk menampilkan segitiga kuning
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kesepuluh untuk menampilkan segitiga merah
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kesebelas untuk menampilkan persegi merah
Fungsi ‘if’ baris keduabelas untuk menampilkan lingkaran merah
Fungsi ‘if’ baris ketigabelas untuk menampilkan lingkaran putih
Fungsi ‘if’ baris keempatbelas untuk menampilkan persegi putih
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kelimabelas untuk menampilkan segitiga putih
Fungsi ‘if’ baris keenambelas untuk menampilkan lingkaran hitam
Fungsi ‘if’ baris ketujuhbelas untuk menampilkan persegi hitam
Fungsi ‘if’ baris kedelapanbelas untuk menampilkan segitiga hitam

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        ComboBox1.Text = ""
        ComboBox2.Text = ""
        PictureBox18.Visible = False
        PictureBox2.Visible = False
        PictureBox3.Visible = False
        PictureBox4.Visible = False
        PictureBox5.Visible = False
        PictureBox6.Visible = False
        PictureBox7.Visible = False
        PictureBox8.Visible = False
        PictureBox9.Visible = False
        PictureBox10.Visible = False
        PictureBox11.Visible = False
        PictureBox12.Visible = False
        PictureBox13.Visible = False
        PictureBox14.Visible = False
        PictureBox15.Visible = False
        PictureBox16.Visible = False
        PictureBox17.Visible = False
        PictureBox1.Visible = False
End Sub

Baris pertama untuk mengembalikkan combobox1 ke posisi kosong
Baris kedua untuk mengembalikkan combobox2 ke posisi kosong
Baris ketiga sampai ke-21 untuk mengembalikan picturebox ke posisi tidak terlihat

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
End Sub

Fungsi tersebut untuk menutup jendela aplikasi tersebut

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